Social Credit News

On January 3rd, 2024 and again on January 10th, 2024, Dr. Oliver Heydorn appeared as a guest of Journalist Mark Anderson on the Republican Broadcasting Network. The interviews can be accessed under "read more".
An interview with Mark Anderson on "The Power of Prophecy" on "The Other Social Credit"
Monday, 13 September 2021 00:07

Professional Social Credit Animations

Over the past year and a half, twenty-two new videos - all professionally animated - have recently been made available. These videos explore various key aspects of Douglas Social Credit. Please subscribe, like, and pass these videos on to anyone who may be interested.
In the last twenty years, a local alternative currency model referred to as “the Unity Dollar” has been trialled in a few towns in Eastern Canada. While these experiments ran, they achieved some positive results in terms of easing the economic burden of participants alongside the provision of a few important lessons for future local currency advocates. Given the present economic and political climate, with ever-tightening covid restrictions/pressures and the looming threat of a “Great Reset”, the time has come to seriously consider locally based alternatives to the conventional financial grid. The following text, which was recently prepared to explain the Unity Dollar project to Canadians, is nevertheless accessible to all people of good will the world over. The specific name that might be given to a local alternative currency based on this idea of a “universal coupon” is, of course, changeable and, as with many of the more minor details of the project, can be adapted to suit time and place, as well as local cultures and conditions.
Mark Anderson has Oliver Heydorn on his show "Stop the Presses" - February 10th, 2020.
Dr. Oliver Heydorn appears on Ameer Rosić's "Ameer Approved".
This is the first professional animated presentation of one key aspect of the Douglas or British Social Credit case (not to be confused with Chinese 'Social Credit'): the folly of 'favourable' trade balances under the existing financial system, where physical loss and inefficiency are financially rewarded.
Introducing the first-ever animated presentation of the Douglas Social Credit economic diagnosis and remedial proposals. Please spread wide and far!
Monday, 04 December 2017 14:29

A Review of "Lives of Our Own"

Lives of Our Own – Social Credit, Catholicism and a Distributist Social Order, recently authored and published by Canadian Ph.D. Professor Oliver Heydorn...
Friday, 20 January 2017 14:49

The Centenary of Social Credit (1917-2017)

Today, January 20th, 2017 — besides being the Presidential Inauguration Day in the United States — is the 138th birthday of Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, the founder of Social Credit.
Sunday, 22 November 2015 15:53

A Review of Social Credit Economics

The following review of Oliver Heydorn's Social Credit Economics by Brent Ranalli will be published in the next edition of Basic Income Studies. It is already available on-line
Finally, the mainstream media is covering constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati's case against the Bank of Canada. In essence, the Bank of Canada, which, unlike many other central banks, is a public institution, has a mandate to provide the federal, provincial, and municipal governments with interest-free loans for various capital projects.
Monday, 02 February 2015 19:59

The Case to "Reinstate" the Bank of Canada

There is a very interesting legal case that is playing out in Canada at the moment. William Krehm, Anne Emmett, and Comer (The Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform) filed a lawsuit on December 12th, 2011, in Federal Court to try to force a restoration of the Bank of Canada to its mandated purposes.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 19:56

A Social Credit Post on

Just yesterday, Henry Makow posted the most succinct explanation of the economic aspects of Social Credit that I have written to date.
Thursday, 15 January 2015 19:52

Monopoly - A Short Film

Georgiana (Gigi) Pinwill from Australia has just initiated a very exciting and promising project. She has prepared a script entitled "Monopoly" for a short film, which will hopefully serve as the starting point for a longer, feature-length production.
Friday, 19 December 2014 19:48

LifeSite News and Social Credit

LifeSite News, which receives millions of hits every year, has picked up my blog entry on the importance of establishing a financial system that is actually supportive of life and families
Monday, 01 December 2014 17:21

The Mike Bower Initiative

In the past few months, Michael Bower from the United States has generously donated a significant amount of money in order to purchase author copies of Social Credit Economics and to have them mailed to various important individuals in the fields of politics, economics, and journalism.
Friday, 21 November 2014 06:33

El Crédito Social -

Quite recently, Martin Ant has translated a number of blog entries from this website into Spanish and has made them available on
Monday, 17 November 2014 06:31

David Gleicher's Blog Entries

There are a number of professional economists who have commented favourably on some of C.H. Douglas' main ideas.
Monday, 27 October 2014 07:11

America's Puritanical Obsession with Work

A few months ago, Abby Martin from Russia Today criticized the unhealthy obsession with work that characterizes American culture. The average American between 25-54 who has at least one child spends nine hours every day working
Monday, 15 September 2014 18:58

Global Debt Clock

Some readers may already be familiar with the U.S. debt clock, The Economist also publishes a global debt clock which deals exclusively with national public debts...
Friday, 05 September 2014 07:04

Humans Need Not Apply

The following video, entitled "Humans Need not Apply", has received over 2 million hits on youtube. It explains how the development of intelligent machines (computers, robots, etc.) now threatens many of the occupations that traditionally relied on brain-power
Wednesday, 13 August 2014 03:07

Tax Freedom Day - Canada

Once again this year, the Canadian Fraser Institute has dutifully calculated “Tax Freedom Day”: “The Fraser Institute annually calculates Tax Freedom Day in order to provide a comprehensive and easily understood indicator of the overall tax burden faced by the average Canadian family.
Saturday, 09 August 2014 02:22

Re: "The Costliest Money Mistakes"

According to the latest edition of the “Money Minute”, the Royal Bank of Canada has discovered that 75% of Canadians struggle with consumer debt and that, on average, they owe 16,000 dollars per head (not including mortgage debt)
The New Zealand "Democrats for Social Credit" Party is celebrating its 60th anniversary this coming weekend

Latest Articles

  • The Right to Cash
    The global drive to eliminate physical money is well worth viewing in a wider context. As Russian scholar Andrey Fursov noted4: from as early as the 1960s, a section of the Western ruling class pressed for a 3D policy of deindustrialization, de-rationalisation and depopulation, to retain, and indeed, extend control over the general public. To these three, we can add a fourth ‘D’ - dematerialization, and the push for an all-digital currency is one example of this.
    Written on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 20:35
  • Douglas Social Credit: Untying the Gordian Knot
    The financial and economic problem that has plagued civilization since the dawn of the industrial age may be described as a Gordian knot[1], i.e., as an intractable problem that cannot be solved within its own conventional framework, but only by thinking outside of the box. Those few of us who have studied both the problem and Douglas’ response to it in-depth have become convinced that Douglas, like a modern-day Alexander, cut this Gordian knot and discovered the correct path for the harmonious resolution of this problem. The irony, however, is that when it comes to effectively and efficiently communicating Douglas’ brilliance to a wider public, the Douglas Social Credit vision for our financial system and economic life may itself be likened to a Gordian knot (not in itself, but in deciding how best to explain it). There are so many issues, positions, evidences, and arguments bound up in the problem…
    Written on Tuesday, 02 April 2024 06:57
  • Douglas Social Credit ... By Way Of Metaphor
    For whatever reason, Douglas Social Credit seems to exhibit an unusually high informational “barrier to entry” and yet it is vital that as many people as possible would come to understand it as quickly as possible because the financial analysis and remedial proposals of Major C.H. Douglas (1879-1952) are the solution to 90% or more of our financial, economic, political, cultural, environmental, and international problems. In what follows, I will focus on the monetary dimensions of Douglas Social Credit, though the reader should be aware that DSC constitutes a much broader body of thought which incorporates a social philosophy, a political theory, and also a theory of history. Since the easiest way to grasp something new and therefore unknown is to approach it by means of the known, this article relies heavily on metaphors to communicate the truth of Douglas’ vision.
    Written on Saturday, 13 January 2024 15:56