Clifford Hugh Douglass Social Credit

Social Credit Theory

Social Credit Theory Individuals who are unfamiliar with Social Credit, or who wish to deepen their understanding, may begin their exploration of this site by browsing our 'Social Credit Theory' pages.


Social Credit Action

Social Credit ActionIndividuals who have already attained an adequate comprehension of Social Credit theory and who desire to do something to make Social Credit a reality may go directly to our 'Social Credit Action' pages.


What is the C.H. Douglas Institute?

HummingbirdThe C.H. Douglas Institute is a registered not-for-profit organization that is committed to furthering Social Credit education and facilitating Social Credit advocacy. ‘Social Credit’ being the name which is typically given to that coherent and cogent body of thought on social matters that was first developed in the early decades of the twentieth century by the brilliant Anglo-Scottish engineer, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas. On the one hand, the institute seeks to introduce the wider public to Douglas’ economic, political, and cultural ideas, while deepening the understanding of those who have already had some exposure to Social Credit. On the other hand, we wish to bolster the efforts of all those who have grasped the tremendous value and relevance of the Social Credit analysis and remedial proposals and who therefore wish to work for the establishment of a Social Credit commonwealth. This institute proposes to provide the necessary assistance by serving as a co-ordinating and resource centre for the wider Social Credit movement. Although based in the province of Ontario, Canada, we are keenly interested in assisting all suitably motivated individuals and groups, wherever they may be, in their endeavour to bring their respective societies into greater alignment with Social Credit principles. 

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[T]he twin evil (common more or less to all existing organized Society) of servility is poverty ... Poverty is in itself a transient phenomenon, but servility (not necessarily, of course, of manner) is a definite component of a system having centralised control of policy as its apex....

C.H. Douglas, Economic Democracy

Latest Articles

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    Written on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 08:27
  • Douglas Social Credit and the Categories of Constraint
    After a recent conversation with Arindam Basu, it occurs to me that there is yet another method of explaining the Douglas Social Credit approach to our financial and economic systems for the benefit of newcomers. This has to do with the notion of constraints. There are natural constraints, i.e., constraints that are built into the very nature of things and are of a physical or metaphysical nature, and then there are artificial constraints, i.e., constraints that arise merely because of arbitrary (or not so arbitrary) human conventions that can be, at least in principle, abandoned, replaced, or altered at will.
    Written on Monday, 09 September 2024 09:10
  • The Right to Cash
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    Written on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 20:35